The extremely high molecular weight of the Ultra High Molecular Weight Polyethylene (UHMWPE) – UTEC® leads to a very high viscosity in the molten state which results in a very low, approximately zero, melt flow index 190°C/21,6kg. Read More...
The Ultra High Molecular Weight Polyethylene (UHMWPE) – UTEC® can be molded by a cyclic compression sinterization technique, where the final product is a continuous profile. This technique is known as Ram Extrusion. Read More...
The Ultra High Molecular Weight Polyethylene, UTEC® is extremely resistant to a broad range of chemical products. The material is almost totally inert, which is why it is indicated for use in practically all types of aggressive or corrosive environments at moderate temperatures. Read More...
The Ultra High Molecular Weight Polyethylene – UTEC®, like the majority of synthetic resins, is subject to degradation reactions induced by ultraviolet radiation and oxygen. The degraded material presents modified visual aspect, density increase, and decrease in abrasion wear, impact resistance and tensile properties. Read More...
When two pieces of Ultra High Molecular Weight Polyethylene – UHMWPE UTEC® are frictioned over one another heating is generated, which is able to melt the contact surfaces. This property, when controlled, yields an excellent method for welding different parts, particularly ones with circular sections. Read More...
There is a paradigm on the UHMWPE end-users market which says that the properties of such a material can be directly correlated to its Molecular Weight (MW). This is not completely true. Read More...
There are some characterization methods which can be used as a measurement of molecular weight of polymers. Most of them, however, are too complicated to be used as a quality control basis at industrial operations. Read More...
The carbon black is used in plastic due to its colors properties and also for UV protection. There are improvements in conductive and antistatic properties of the polymers, depending on the concentration in its composition. Read More...