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Press Releases • February 6, 2017

Beverage industry invests in Green Plastic

Adoption of polyethylene from renewable sources is growing among companies in the segment

At the global level, the beverage sector is one of the highly engaged in the search for innovative solutions that make its business more sustainable and, therefore, with less impact on the environment. For example, the segment adopts the Green Plastic, produced from sugarcane ethanol - an exclusive technology developed by Braskem, the largest petrochemical company in the Americas.

The latest Brazilian company to adopt the "I'm GreenT" Green Plastic is Serra da Cantareira Águas Minerais. The company began using the renewable raw material in the bottle caps of the Puraqua mineral water. Also in 2016, Woolworths, one of the leading supermarket chains in South Africa, also announced the use of polyethylene from renewable sources in its milk cartons. The Germany-based Eckes-Guanini, in turn, began using the Green Plastic in its organic juices for the brands Bramhults and Valsolille.

Other companies to establish a partnership with Braskem include Japan's Asahi, which applied the Plastic on the caps of the 1.5-liter Mitsuya Cider soft drink bottles. Suntory, a Japan-based company and a leader in this segment, recently began using the resin in the 550 ml bottle caps of the "Suntory Aso Tennensui" mineral water, whose annual output is estimated at 26 million units.

In 2015, Pernod Ricard Brasil, an affiliate of the French liquor, wine and champagne multinational manufacturer, was the first distillery to adopt the "I'm greenT" Green Plastic on the caps of its Rum Montilla and Vodka Orloff products. The polyethylene from renewable sources can also be found in wine bottle stoppers manufactured by Nomacorc. The stoppers - named Select®Bio - are 100% recyclable and show the same performance in oxygen control as that of the conventional line, in addition to avoiding deterioration and waste caused by processes such as oxidation and reduction.

Tetra Pak, the world's largest supplier of long-life packaging, has been using Green Plastic caps since 2012. Furthermore, for more than two years, the company has also been using "I'm GreenT" low-density polyethylene (LDPE) as a component for its carton pack layers. Nestlé was one of the pioneering industries in the use of Green Plastic, adopting the solution in the Ninho and Molico lines in June 2011, shortly after the launch of the resin.

Carbon Footprint
In April, the "I'm GreenT" green plastic received the carbon footprint certification from the Ministry of Industry and Trade Development (MDIC), in the framework of the actions to implement the National Policy on Climate Change in priority sectors. According to the measurement, carried out by Carbon Trust and ABNT (Brazilian Association of Technical Standards), the polyethylene from renewable sources has a negative emission footprint, that is, it helps sequester pollutant gases from the atmosphere.

About Green Plastic
The "I'm GreenT" Green Polyethylene is made from ethylene obtained from sugarcane ethanol. Its key differentiator is its contribution to the reduction of the greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere, as it captures carbon dioxide during its production process. It also has the same characteristics of traditional polyethylene, that is, it does not require machinery adaptations and is 100% recyclable. Braskem's Green Plastic plant has a production capacity of 200,000 metric tons per year.

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