The practice of corporate governance at Braskem is based on three principles: ethical conduct, transparency and respect for Clients, Team Members, Shareholders, Suppliers and all other stakeholders. Since its founding, in 2002, Braskem has reaffirmed its commitment to align the interests of its Shareholders with ethical and competitive actions, while increasing their wealth.
A publicly traded company, Braskem has been listed on the Level 1 corporate governance segment on the São Paulo Stock Exchange (BM&FBovespa) since 2003. Outside of Brazil, Braskem stock is also listed on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) and on the market for Latin American stocks of the Madrid Stock Exchange (Latibex). As such, they are subject to the requirements of the respective regulatory authorities, i.e., the Securities & Exchange Commission (SEC) in the United States, and the Bolsas y Mercados Españoles (BME) in Spain.
In 2005, Braskem was one of the first Foreign Private Issuers (FPI) in South America to adopt the requirements of sections 404 and 302 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX).
Braskem is committed to the practice of transparent and responsible management. These practices are described in the company's Code of Conduct, which establishes the principles, values and standards that guide the corporate conduct of Team Members in their internal and external relations.
To learn more about the Code of Conduct, click here .
Created to register, investigate and make decisions involving reports of violations of the Code of Conduct, the Ethics Committee is an important tool for ensuring compliance and for continuously improving Braskem's internal processes and controls.
Reports can made using the Ethics Hotline, a channel open to Team Members, Clients, Suppliers and other stakeholders to report information on irregularities in the company’s processes. All reports are anonymous and all facts are treated with complete confidentiality. All reports are carefully and responsibly analyzed, which contributes to transparent management and to a safer and healthier environment.
To contact the Ethics Line, click here .
Braskem maintains an open and permanent dialogue with various segments of society and stakeholders. It also communicates continuously with the market using channels such as:
In 2002, the same year in which it was founded, Braskem announced a Public Commitment that highlighted its sustainable activities and its concern with the economic and social development of the regions and communities in which it operates.
To learn more, click here .