Avenida Menino Marcelo has been expanded and enhanced with new parallel lanes

The road now features an additional 1.8 kilometers of side lanes alongside a newly installed cycle path and accessible sidewalks.

Maceió, August 23, 2024 - The expansion project for Menino Marcelo Avenue has been successfully completed. As one of Maceió's primary corridors, the avenue has added a new 1.8-kilometer stretch of side lanes, each with two lanes heading towards the city center. Beyond widening the roadway, the project encompasses the installation of an upgraded storm drainage system along this section.

Moreover, the initiative addresses the needs of pedestrians and cyclists by introducing new accessible sidewalks throughout the expanded area, complemented by a 1.3-kilometer-long cycle path. Sidewalks with tactile flooring of the directional and alert types have also been installed to guide people with visual impairments, as well as ramps for access by people with reduced mobility. The avenue now features an advanced electrical grid and a newly operational public lighting system, with plans to expand parking facilities.

The implementation of measures to improve urban mobility is included in the Socio-Environmental Agreement Term signed in December 2020 by the Federal Public Ministry (MPF) and Braskem, with the participation of the State Public Ministry (MPE) and the adhesion of the Municipality of Maceió.

Mobility Package
The works are planned by the Municipality and executed by specialized companies contracted by Braskem. The interventions are supervised by the public authorities and are expected to last about three and a half years. The budget is BRL 360 million - adjusted annually.

The projects foresee the construction, expansion, or recovery of 33.4 kilometers of roads, implementation of almost 37 kilometers of accessible sidewalks and bike lanes, requalification of public walkways and parking lots, new lighting and electrical network, stormwater drainage, and an intelligent traffic light system already in operation.

Commitments to Maceió
Since 2019, Braskem has undertaken a series of actions and programs aimed at rectifying, mitigating, and compensating for soil subsidence effects in Maceió, as stipulated in five agreements between the company and local authorities.

To facilitate understanding and monitoring of these and other initiatives and programs undertaken, the company has consolidated these efforts into ten commitments spanning social, urban, and environmental domains on a single online platform. ( www.braskem.com/compromissosmaceio ).

These urban mobility improvement initiatives are part of Braskem's commitment number 8 with Maceió - compensation and requalification of social spaces in affected areas and urban mobility.




Jessica Frank
e-mail: jessica.frank@braskem.com
Phone: +49 151 55201429