Linha do tempo


Start of Rock Salt Extraction

Salgema starts the extraction to produce dichloroethane at the plant located in Pontal da Barra (Maceió, State of Alagoas).

Imagem 1976

Name Change

Upon the change of management in the previous year, the petrochemical company Salgema starts doing business as Trikem.


Início da BraskemInception of Braskem

Trikem merges with other companies in the industry, resulting in the establishment of Braskem, which incorporated the existing operations in Maceió.


Launch of Industrial Complex

Braskem opens its PVC plant in the Industrial Complex of Marechal Deodoro, a city near Maceió and becomes the largest producer of this polymer in the Americas.


Subsidence in Maceió

In March, an earthquake hits several neighborhoods in Maceió, resulting in the discovery of cracks in the houses and buildings of the Pinheiro neighborhood.


Beginning of Sonar Studies

Braskem begins a round of sonar surveys in January to assess the conditions of all 35 rock salt wells.

Cooperation Agreement

In April, Braskem signs a cooperation agreement with the government to donate monitoring equipment to the Civil Defense with a view to performing infrastructure works in the Pinheiro neighborhood.


Rock Salt Extraction Shutdown

In May, Braskem shuts down the extraction of rock salt and stops the operation of the Pontal da Barra plant.


Independent Geological Surveys

Braskem commissions independent assessments from geology and seismic specialists both in Brazil and abroad to investigate the subsidence in Maceió.

Creation of the Protected Area

In November, Braskem announces the definitive closure of rock salt extraction in Maceió and meets the recommendation of the Institute of Geomechanics of Leipzig (IFG) in Germany to create a protected area around 15 wells, preventive evicting about 550 properties and relocating about 1,500 people.

Compensation and Relocation Program

Social technicians analyze the protected area on-site to identify the properties and conduct household surveys with residents. Based on this identification, residents join Braskem's Financial Compensation and Relocation Support Program.

Resident Information Center

In December, the Resident Information Center, which concentrates on providing service to residents and offering support for their eviction, opens. It also offers and supports processes for putting documents in good order, opening bank accounts, and receiving financial aid.


Agreement with Authorities

In January, an agreement is signed between the State and Federal Public Defenders' Offices, the Federal and Alagoas Public Prosecution Offices and Braskem so that the Compensation and Relocation Program serves the residents of risk areas in four neighborhoods of Maceió, which are on the criticality map prepared in June 2019 by the Civil Defense.

New Schools for Neighborhoods

In February, an agreement is signed with the Labor Prosecution Office, with a view to building four schools and programs of professional qualification and entrepreneurship, in partnership with Sebrae, Senai, and Senac.

Remote Service

With the pandemic caused by Covid-19, the Resident Information Center is temporarily closed in March 2020, but the Compensation and Relocation Program continues to operate, with remote service to residents.

More than 2,000 relocations

The review of the Financial Compensation and Relocation Support Program submitted to authorities reveals that 2,300 households were relocated to new properties by June and more than 1,800 Humanitarian Aid households migrated to Braskem's program.

Pinheiro and Bebedouro

In June, Braskem expands the outreach efforts so that residents of Pinheiro and Bebedouro (Zone D), whose properties had not yet been identified by the social technicians, start the journey in the Program through remote service.

Amendment to Agreement with Authorities

The Term of Agreement signed between authorities and Braskem in January is amended to broaden the vacancy in the neighborhoods of Pinheiro, Mutange, Bebedouro, and Bom Parto. Such expansion includes 1,918 properties located in the criticality area 00 of the new Civil Defense map, which becomes part of the agreement.

Around 2,000 properties join the PCF

In October, the Financial Compensation and Relocation Support Program incorporates about 2,000 new properties, identified as Zones F and G. The expansion is defined in liaison with the authorities that entered into the Term of Agreement to support relocation in the neighborhoods affected by the subsidence, based on the update of the Map prepared by the Civil Defense and released in late September.


Program's First Anniversary

In December, the Financial Compensation and Relocation Support Program turns one year old with 8,515 relocated families and more than 2,600 compensation proposals accepted — 99.8% of the proposals submitted by Braskem are accepted by families.


Agreements for Residents' Compensation and Socio-Environmental Remediation

In December, federal and state authorities and Braskem signed the second amendment to the January's term of agreement, ending the Public-Interest Civil Action of Residents. The amendment provides for the inclusion of about 1,200 properties, in the so-called Zone H, under the Program. All properties in the area of criticality 01 (area of monitoring by the Civil Defense).

The agreement for the socio-environmental remediation of the areas between the Federal Prosecution Office, the Public Prosecution Office of the State of Alagoas and Braskem is also signed. The agreement provides for the performance of measures pertaining to the stabilization and monitoring of the subsidence for the next 5 years, as well as initiatives aimed at mitigating and remediating environmental, urban, and social impacts. With the new agreements, Socio-Environmental ACP is extinguished.


Exclusive Service for Traders and Businessmen

In February, the Financial Compensation and Relocation Support Program creates an exclusive service channel for traders and entrepreneurs in the vacancy and monitoring areas in Maceió. The initiative is intended to relocate different types of local businesses even more quickly.

Braskem Resumes Safe Operation at Pontal da Barra's Production Unit

In the same month, Braskem restarted production at its unit in Maceió, which had been shut down since May 2019, and resumed production of PVC and caustic soda in an integrated manner in Alagoas, using salt purchased from licensed deposits in Chile.

New Reanalysis Deadline for Compensation Proposals

In June, the Financial Compensation and Relocation Support Program is perfected once again. As a result, requests for reanalysis of compensation proposals now have reference deadlines set.

Technical Monitoring Network of Wells Completed

Also in June, Braskem finalized the installation of the technical monitoring network of the rock salt wells, which had been idle since May 2019. This network is composed of high-tech equipment that continuously checks the stability of the ground and cavities, thus improving the region's safety.

Braskem Delivers New Stage of Monitoring Network

In July, Braskem delivered another stage of the installation of the ground monitoring network in Mutange, Bebedouro, and Pinheiro neighborhoods. As a result, the network now has a weather station, 16 DGPS (high-precision devices to detect ground movements), and 16 seismographs (equipment that records seismic events).


Program's Second Anniversary

In December, the Financial Compensation and Relocation Support Program turns two years of development with almost 12,000 proposals offered to families.


Start of Works on Mutange Slope

In January, Braskem begins stabilization and drainage work on the Mutange Slope. The original intent is to smooth land slopes, build a drainage system that safely directs rainwater, and plant a vegetation cover that will expand the green area of Maceió.

One Year of Focinho Responsável

This adoption channel on Instagram, which is part of the Animal Support Program, has helped more than 640 animals find a new home. Created in June 2021, the project temporarily takes care of dogs and cats.

Financial Compensation Program Surpasses 18,000 Proposals

By the end of October, PCF reached 18,259 proposals presented to residents of the vacancy and monitoring areas. Over the same time lapse, 16,223 proposals were accepted and 14,711 compensations were paid.

Term of Agreement Signed To Start Flexais Urban Integration and Development Project

The objective is to develop efforts to promote access to public services and spur on the region's economy.


Progress of Mutange Slope Works

With the end of demolition, the activities of earthworks, implementation of a new drainage system, and planting of the vegetation cover began, which, on top of contributing to surface stabilization, will expand the green area of Maceió.

Imagem 2023

Flexais Project Starts Paying Compensations

In January, Flexais residents, traders, and businessmen start receiving compensation for islanding.


Agreement with the Municipality of Maceió

Term of Agreement is entered into with the Municipality of Maceió providing for the total of BRL 1.7 bn in compensation for the damages of land subsidence and relocation.


Financial Compensation Program Surpasses 18,000 Proposals accepted

By the end of December, PCF reached 19,108 proposals presented to residents of the vacancy areas. Over the same time lapse, 18,627 proposals were accepted and 17,998 compensations were paid.


Risk area 100% evicted

In December, eviction was completed with the relocation of residents from the last 23 properties in criticality area 00, from the 2020 Civil Defense map.


Work on the Flexais Project Begins

New equipment for the region's Basic Health Unit is under construction.


Socio-urban Action Plan- PAS

Efforts have started to implement a series of actions and measures aimed at addressing and mitigating the impacts resulting from the evacuation of the Pinheiro, Bebedouro, Mutange, Bom Parto, and Farol neighborhoods on the social and urban dynamics of the Municipality.

These initiatives encompass the construction or refurbishment of daycare centers, markets, squares, and health facilities, alongside programs focusing on cultural, social, economic, and urban development.


Completed the First Stage of the Works on Avenida Durval de Góes Monteiro

A 2.2 km section of one of Maceió's main urban corridors is now completed, featuring two new lanes, accessible sidewalks, a bike path, a modern drainage system, upgraded electrical grid, and new public lighting.