What is the Socio-Environmental Agreement?
Signed in December 2020 by Braskem and the Federal Public Ministry (MPF), with the participation of the State Public Ministry (MPE) and the adherence of the Municipality of Maceió. This Socio-Environmental Agreement aims to address the impacts of the eviction in Pinheiro, Mutange, Bebedouro, Bom Parto, and Farol through measures focused on repair, mitigation, or compensation.
The initiatives outlined in the agreement are categorized into three main action fronts: socio-urban improvements, environmental initiatives, and stabilization with ongoing monitoring.
Based on this agreement, independent companies conducted a diagnosis and developed a comprehensive work plan. On the environmental front, the plan includes initiatives related to the physical and biotic environment.
For socio-urban remediation, interventions are underway in the vacated areas for urban remediation, in addition to preserving historical and cultural heritage, urban mobility actions, social compensation, and compensation for collective damages. The agreement also ensures the involvement of relevant public bodies and includes mechanisms for public consultation.
To stabilize the salt wells and monitor the ground, Braskem continues to implement the actions outlined in the well closure and filling plan approved by the National Mining Agency (ANM). ANM and other competent bodies oversee this work.