Braskem continues to recover the paving in the streets of Pinheiro

Maceió, August 1st, 2019 - Braskem continues with the paving recovery works in streets damaged by cracks in the district of Pinheiro, in Maceió. A good example is Rua Luiz Rizzo, between Basileu de Meira Barbosa and Joaquim Gouveia de Albuquerque. Approximately 50% of the work is already concluded and now this section - that previously was pavement - is receiving asphalt.

Provided for in the Technical Cooperation Agreement signed among Braskem, the Municipality of Maceió, the Regional Council of Engineering and Agronomy (CREA-AL), the Federal and State Public Prosecutor's Offices (MPF, MPE) and the Labor Public Prosecutor's Office (MPT), the action was proposed by the petrochemical company and also includes the substitution of the rainwater drainage network in the places where the work is performed.  The objective is to ensure the safety, trafficability and reduce the risk of water infiltration in the soil through the fissures. 

The sections in the public roads and the constructive solutions for each area were defined with the Municipality of Maceió, from the features map elaborated by the Geological Survey of Brazil (CPRM). The recovery work includes the partial removal of the existing pavement; compaction of the foundation layer using earthmoving equipment; and the installation of a geogrid, a high-resistance screen to avoid the propagation of new cracks in the surface. Once concluded the installation of the geogrid, the ditch is closed and the pavement reconstituted.



Jessica Frank
Phone: +49 151 55201429