Braskem is planting more than 1,800 trees in Maceió

  • Planting is taking place on avenues, squares, and housing complexes.
  • This initiative is part of a collaboration with the Municipality's afforestation project.

Maceió, June 19, 2024 - More than 1,800 trees are being planted in public areas, thereby enhancing the landscaping of new sections along Avenida Durval de Goés Monteiro and Avenida Menino Marcelo and contributing to environmental improvements, as they create pleasant spaces within squares and housing complexes, promoting well-being among the population. Over 50% of the seedlings have already been planted along the avenues undergoing infrastructure projects, as well as in social spaces and avenues within neighborhoods like Benedito Bentes, Cidade Universitária, Jaraguá, and Jatiúca.

This tree-planting effort is integrated into the ongoing urban mobility works in the city. The implementation of measures to improve urban mobility is included in the Socio-Environmental Agreement Term signed in December 2020 by the Federal Public Ministry (MPF) and Braskem, with the participation of the State Public Ministry (MPE) and the adhesion of the Municipality of Maceió.

Afforestation expansion in Maceió is meticulously planned, considering existing trees and local infrastructure constraints such as poles, sidewalks, and the electrical network. The Municipality decided on the distribution of trees beyond the urban mobility project areas and selected various species, including Ipê, Angico, Craibeira, Pata de Vaca, Algodão da Praia, and Resedá, as well as fruit trees as Cashew Trees (Cajueiro), Brazilian Cherry Tree (Pitangueira), and Acerola Cherry Tree (Aceroleira).

Mobility Package
The works are planned by the Municipality and executed by specialized companies contracted by Braskem. The interventions are supervised by the public authorities and are expected to last about three and a half years. The budget is BRL 360 million - adjusted annually.

The projects foresee the construction, expansion, or recovery of 33.4 kilometers of roads, the implementation of almost 37 kilometers of accessible sidewalks and bike lanes, the requalification of public walkways and parking lots, new lighting and electrical networks, stormwater drainage, and an intelligent traffic light system already in operation.

Commitment to Maceió
In order to enhance comprehension and oversight of the initiatives undertaken since 2019, the company has structured the 10 commitments encompassing social, urban, and environmental aspects, which are integral to the agreements signed with the authorities.

These urban mobility improvement initiatives are part of commitment #8, which aims to compensate and requalify social spaces of impacted areas and urban mobility projects. To learn more about our Commitments to Maceió (Compromissos com Maceió), visit .




Jessica Frank
Phone: +49 151 55201429