Braskem presents updates of technical studies in CREA-AL event

Maceió, September 5, 2019 - Braskem was present at the workshop "Causes, Effects and Solutions for the Geological Phenomena in Maceió", an event that started on Wednesday (4), promoted by the Federal and Regional Councils of Engineering and Agronomy - Confea and Crea-AL.
At the Crea-AL auditorium, Galileu Henrique, a chemical engineer and production manager at Braskem, presented an update of the studies and monitoring made by the company in the district of Pinheiro and region. They concluded six studies, among them the one concerning the seismic reflection in the districts and in the mining area (with data gathering over more than 30 km for mapping of the geological faults in the region) and the gyroscope in the wells (to precisely identify the warping in the pipes, help in the sonar studies and understand ground movements).
The production manager at Braskem also talked about the sonar studies concluded in 18 wells of rock salt extraction. The deadline for conclusion of the 35 sonars is December this year.
As for the studies that Braskem will perform, Galileu highlighted the gravimetric aerial analysis recommended by CPRM, with the objective of extending the researched area, including the region of Lagoa Mundaú, to understand the regional mechanism in the faults and allow the mapping of the deeper ones. The gravimetric study carried out by CPRM provides good resolution images up to the depth of approximately 300 m. With the aerial gravimetric analysis, it will be possible to perform a kind of "ultrasonography" in up to approximately 1200 m, with quality sufficient to allow data interpretation.
"We are working to conclude all the studies in the shortest possible time, with the quality required by the situation in the districts of Pinheiro, Mutange and Bebedouro", Galileu Henrique assures.
The event
The workshop "Causes, Effects and Solutions for the Geological Phenomena in Maceió" ends this Thursday (5) bringing together counselors of the Confea and Crea-AL, in addition to members of institutions like the Institute of the Environment - IMA - and of the Civil Defense, both municipal and federal.
The objective is to update and analyze the information on the causes and effects of the geological anomalies in the district of Pinheiro and surroundings, to discuss solutions and consolidate the conclusions so far.
The event included lectures and debates about the zoning map of the damages; geomechanics of saline rocks; solutions for housing and urban infrastructure, among other themes.