Control Center Employs Artificial Intelligence to Optimize Traffic Flow on Avenida Durval de Góes and Avenida Fernandes Lima

  • The traffic lights on these roads are adjusted in real-time to improve traffic flow
  • Intersections are monitored 24/7

Maceió, May 17, 2024 - Vehicle traffic on Avenida Durval de Góes Monteiro and Avenida Fernandes Lima, two of Maceió's main traffic corridors, is now monitored using artificial intelligence. Data is processed at the Operational Control Center (CCO), which integrates a smart traffic light system.

These smart traffic lights calculate the appropriate interval for each intersection in real-time. Cameras attached to the traffic lights collect information on vehicle speed and volume, sending it via the Internet to the CCO located at the Municipal Department of Transport and Traffic (DMTT) headquarters. Trained technicians monitor the flow of vehicles and make adjustments as needed, generating periodic reports to assess and adjust traffic operations.

"Everything happens autonomously, without operator interference. This allows traffic managers to monitor and make decisions, including emergency interventions at intersections if there are problems with the electrical network, accidents, or protests," explains Bernardo Limongi, director of SinalVida. SinalVida, a company specializing in traffic lights, was contracted by Braskem to implement the technology, train DMTT agents, and offer operational assistance for the first 18 months after the system's implementation at the CCO.

The Control Center has six workstations, each with two monitors and an integrated system with six 49-inch screens.


Smart Traffic Lights

Smart traffic lights are installed at 30 intersections, from the BR 316 viaduct on Durval de Góes Monteiro to Praça do Centenário on Fernandes Lima. Ten of these are exclusively for pedestrians, and one is for returning vehicles.

Mobility Package

The implementation of urban mobility improvements is part of the Socio-Environmental Agreement*. The Municipality plans these initiatives, carried out by specialized companies engaged by Braskem, and supervised by public authorities. The budget is BRL 360 million - adjusted annually.

In addition to the smart traffic light system, the projects include constructing, expanding, or rehabilitating 33.4 kilometers of roads; implementing almost 37 kilometers of accessible sidewalks and cycle paths; requalifying public sidewalks and parking lots; installing new lighting and electrical networks; and improving rainwater drainage.

Commitments to Maceió

To facilitate understanding and monitoring of these and other actions and programs developed since 2019, Braskem organized its 10 commitments on social, urban, and environmental fronts. The urban mobility improvement actions are part of Braskem's commitment number 8 with Maceió - compensation and requalification of social spaces in affected areas and urban mobility.

These initiatives are part of the five agreements signed between Braskem and the authorities in recent years. Details of the initiatives are available on the Commitments with Maceió (Compromissos com Maceió) platform: .

* Signed in December 2020 by Braskem and the Federal Public Ministry (MPF), with the participation of the State Public Ministry (MPE) and the adherence of the Municipality of Maceió.



Jessica Frank
Phone: +49 151 55201429