Corner reflectors are used to monitor the soil in vacated areas

  • Equipment functions as reference points for capturing satellite images
  • Data feeds radar with precise information about the surface

Maceió, November 8, 2024 - The soil monitoring network in the Pinheiro, Mutange, Bebedouro, Bom Parto, and Farol neighborhoods has received a new type of equipment: corner reflectors. To date, 36 reflectors have been installed, and 86 units are expected to be in operation by the end of 2025.

Corner reflectors serve as reference points for capturing satellite images and supplying data to the Synthetic Aperture Interferometric Radar. The radar detects surface changes by comparing two or more images taken at different times. Through this technique, any changes in the soil can be detected with millimeter-level precision.

This equipment is deployed in areas where previous reference points for the satellite are no longer present. The reflectors have no electrical components and are silent. They are mounted five meters high on concrete poles similar to those used by electric utility companies.


Monitoring network
The installation and maintenance of a soil monitoring network in vacated areas were established by the Socio-Environmental Agreement signed in December 2020 between Braskem and the Federal Public Prosecutor's Office, with the participation of the Public Prosecutor's Office of Alagoas and the support of the Municipality of Maceió.

Expert consulting firms defined the technologies used. The network consists of high-precision equipment, including DGPS, inclinometers, and seismographs, which perform continuous measurements, operating 24 hours a day. The data is fully digital and shared online with the relevant agencies.




Jessica Frank
Phone: +49 151 55201429