District of Pinheiro is now monitored by high-precision GPS

Maceió, April 22, 2019 - Starting this Tuesday (23), the district of Pinheiro will have a high-precision monitoring system for measurement of possible ground movements, the differential GPS. The system is formed by a network of GNSS receptors (Global Navigation Satellite System), with millimeter precision, used in local-scale topographic surveys and world-scale geodesic surveys. The activity will initiate at Travessa Camaragibe, at 8 a.m.
The combination of these receptors allows the monitoring of data in real time and will help authorities to make decisions and adopt applicable measures in cases of unforeseen ground movements. Data will be sent to the monitoring center located at the headquarters of the Municipal Civil Defense, at Rua João Barros Pinho 107, in the district of Pinheiro.
The first stage of the service is a temporary monitoring in six observation points in the district that were pre-selected with the Municipality and the Civil Defense of Maceió. The second phase of the project is estimated to start by May 20, when the equipment for installation of monitoring fixed points will arrive. The system is interconnected to a data processing software that can generate a precise diagnosis of the ground movements, which will allow the execution of preventive actions.
This monitoring is one more advancement among the emergency actions proposed by Braskem for mitigation of the problems in the district of Pinheiro and included in the Technical Cooperation Agreement signed among the company, the Municipality of Maceió, the Federal, State and Labor Public Prosecutor's Offices (MPF, MPE and MPT), and the Regional Council of Engineering and Agronomy (CREA-AL).
Since last year, when the problems in the district of Pinheiro have worsened, Braskem has been collaborating with the authorities to identify the causes of the occurrences , in face of its commitment to a responsible conduct towards the society of Alagoas.
Recognized experience
For a differential GPS service, Braskem hired the companies Santiago e Cintra Geo-Tecnologias and PCP Engenharia, both headquartered in the state of São Paulo. Santiago e Cintra has 40 years of experience and is the pioneer in advanced technology for the topographic market; as per the PCP Engenharia, this is an expert company in topographic/geodesic and geotechnical monitoring, with experience in major Brazilian projects.