Flexais Products Captivate Visitors at Maceió Waterfront Fair

- Local vendors showcased intricate filé lacework and hand-embroidered fabrics and sold homemade delicacies.
- Entrepreneurs received support from the Flexais Urban Integration and Development Project.
Maceió, September 30, 2024 - Handmade filé lacework, beautifully embroidered fabrics, and other handcrafted items from Flexais entrepreneurs drew the attention of both tourists and locals at the 2 nd edition of the "Grota Business Fair," held at Multieventos Square in Pajuçara from September 26 to 29. Organized by the Maceió Institute for Urban Research and Planning (Iplan), the fair brought together entrepreneurs from various urban communities across the capital.
Vendors from Flexais, supported by the Flexais Urban Integration and Development Project, which aims to foster local entrepreneurship and give greater visibility to small businesses, celebrated strong sales. "I'm very grateful for this opportunity and hope more fairs like this one come along. It's providing us with great visibility, and people from outside are starting to notice us," said Joselma Evaristo, who specializes in cakes, sweets, and savory snacks.
"The fair was a great platform to showcase our work. The previous edition, held in the same location, was also successful, and this experience has been incredibly rewarding," added vendor Edvânia Elias da Silva.
Entrepreneurship in Flexais
These economic initiatives to stimulate the region's economy are outlined in the Agreement, signed in October 2022 by the Municipality of Maceió, the Federal Public Ministry, the Public Ministry of the State of Alagoas, the Federal Public Defender's Office, and Braskem. Promoting entrepreneurship is part of the "Economy and Work" pillar, one of five guiding frameworks of the Flexais Project, which includes 23 initiatives. The other initiatives are: "Education, Sport, Leisure, and Environment," "Health and Social Assistance," "Management, Community Service, and Security," and "Mobility."
Since June, the project has supported two editions of the Flexais Entrepreneurs Fair, organized by a local community committee. In addition to selling products, painting and macramé workshops were held.
To foster income generation, the Flexais Project also promotes the Aprendi no Flexal program, offering courses in partnership with Senai and Senac. To date, ten groups have completed the training, enhancing professional skills within the community.
Urban Integration and Development of Flexais Project
In addition to supporting entrepreneurship and income generation, the Flexais Project began construction work on the new Basic Health Unit (UBS), a daycare school, and road rehabilitation of streets and squares in the region. The construction of a shopping mall, a Fair Space, a Fishermen's Support Center, and a pier for access to Lagoa Mundaú are also planned.
Alongside ongoing construction, other measures include urban cleaning, pest control, surveillance, a dedicated and free bus route for Flexais residents, school transportation, and psychological support services. The installation of security cameras, upgrading of public lighting with new lamps, and modernization of the network have also been completed. The Flexal Space, which accommodates municipal departments providing direct services to the community, has been structured as part of the project.