High-performance video surveillance in operation for traffic in Maceió

  • New technology covers 74 traffic lanes across 17 streets in the city
  • Operational Control Center established within DMTT

Maceió, January 17, 2025 - New high-performance video surveillance cameras have been installed at 26 locations in Maceió, covering 74 traffic lanes along 17 streets. The initiative complements another traffic technology measure: the already implemented smart traffic lights.

The key improvement of the new video surveillance equipment, compared to the previously installed systems, is automation. While the earlier versions required human control, the new equipment operates independently, without the need for human intervention.

In addition to the 26 locations, Braskem is also delivering a new dedicated Operational Control Center (OCC), which will serve as the hub for the video surveillance system within the Municipal Department of Traffic and Transportation (DMTT). With the new OCC, the department consolidates the control of both the smart traffic lights and the video surveillance networks - manual and autonomous - into a single location.

The implementation of measures to enhance urban mobility is part of the Socio-Environmental Agreement signed in December 2020 by the Federal Public Ministry (MPF) and Braskem, with participation from the State Public Ministry (MPE) and support from the Municipality of Maceió.

Mobility Package 
The works are planned by the Municipality and executed by specialized companies contracted by Braskem. The interventions are overseen by the public authorities and are expected to last about three and a half years. The budget is BRL 360 million - adjusted annually.

The projects include constructing, expanding, or repairing 33.4 kilometers of roads, installing nearly 37 kilometers of accessible sidewalks and bike lanes, upgrading public walkways and parking areas, adding new lighting and electrical infrastructure, implementing stormwater drainage systems, and operating an intelligent traffic light system already in place.

PHOTO CREDITS: - Philipe Medeiros/Release/Braskem



Jessica Frank
e-mail: jessica.frank@braskem.com
Phone: +49 151 55201429