Meetings with public authorities
Maceió, February 8, 2019 - Braskem is keeping a constant and open dialog with the public authorities and representative institutions of the society. The objective is to contribute for the clarification of the causes of the problems in the district of Pinheiro, in Maceió. In addition to information about the studies performed in the region, the company has been presenting information concerning its mining activities operated for more than four decades in Alagoas, as well as all the environmental care and technologies applied.
Executives, technicians and consultants of Braskem have already attended meetings with the State Public Prosecutor's Office - MPE, the Court of Justice of Alagoas TJ/AL, Brazil Bar Association, Regional Office Alagoas - OAB/AL, Federation of the Industries - FIEA, Regional Council of Engineering and Architecture of the State of Alagoas - CREA/AL and Federal Public Prosecutor's Office (MPF).
The most recent meeting (2/1) at the MPF had the participation of representatives of the community of Pinheiro and the Federation of the Associations of Residents and Communitarian Entities of Alagoas - Famecal. All the attendants could ask questions and make interventions. Braskem made clarifications about the operation in the state, about how the salt extraction is made, among other technical information.
Braskem's representatives also explained the studies that will supplement those conducted by the Company of Research of Mineral Resource - CPRM. They pointed out that no well in the district of Pinheiro is being exploited and that the deactivated wells are being analyzed by means of a sonar study, as per request of the National Mining Agency - ANM, the public body that will analyze the results.