New Link Road to Feature Two Bridges Over 100 Meters Long

Project includes bike lanes, sidewalks, guardrails, and protective screens
Maceió, November 26, 2024 - The New Link Road project, currently under construction, will feature two bridges connecting Avenida Durval de Góes Monteiro and Avenida Menino Marcelo, two major traffic corridors in the city. As part of the project, both bridges will be designed with two lanes in each direction, each lane measuring 7 meters wide and separated by a 1.5-meter median. The bridges will include a 2.5-meter-wide bike lane on one side and 2-meter-wide sidewalks on both sides. Safety measures will feature rigid concrete barriers, guardrails, and protective screens to safeguard pedestrians and cyclists.
The first bridge will span 128 meters, rising 24 meters at its central span, and will require 36 beams weighing 57 tons each. The second bridge, measuring 113 meters in length and 21 meters in height at its central span, will be built with 23 beams weighing 57 tons and an additional nine weighing 27 tons. The structures were designed following extensive environmental impact studies and will incorporate features such as two hydraulic crossings to maintain water flow and facilitate the safe movement of local wildlife.
The New Link Road will be a 2.3-kilometer-long express route, with two 7-meter-wide lanes in each direction, a central median, a roundabout, bike lanes, and accessible sidewalks, in addition to modern public lighting and street furniture, such as bus stops. Positioned to become one of the city's primary corridors, this road project extends from the intersection of Galba Novaes de Castro on Durval de Góes to the intersection of Rua Audálio Lopes da Silva on Menino Marcelo.
The implementation of measures to enhance urban mobility is part of the Socio-Environmental Agreement signed in December 2020 by the Federal Public Ministry (MPF) and Braskem, with participation from the State Public Ministry (MPE) and support from the Municipality of Maceió.
Mobility Package
The works are planned by the Municipality and executed by specialized companies contracted by Braskem. The interventions are overseen by the public authorities and are expected to last about three and a half years. The budget is BRL 360 million - adjusted annually.
The projects include constructing, expanding, or repairing 33.4 kilometers of roads, installing nearly 37 kilometers of accessible sidewalks and bike lanes, upgrading public walkways and parking areas, adding new lighting and electrical infrastructure, implementing stormwater drainage systems, and operating an intelligent traffic light system already in place.
Photo credit: Philipe Medeiros/Release/Braskem.