Residents Visit Construction Sites of the Urban Integration and Development of Flexais Project

Maceió, October 23, 2024 - A group of local residents visited the construction sites of the daycare school, Basic Health Unit (UBS) and road requalification that the Urban Integration and Development of Flexais Project is implementing. The group was accompanied by Braskem's technicians, who detailed the progress of the works.
The Project resulted from an agreement signed in October 2022 by the Municipality of Maceió, the Federal Public Ministry, the Public Ministry of the State of Alagoas, the Federal Public Defender's Office, and Braskem, with the objective of implementing 23 socioeconomic measures, 18 of which are either completed or in progress, while the rest are in the planning stage.
The itinerary began with the daycare school, whose construction is well underway. The teams have been installing electrical and plumbing systems for the unit, which will feature a playroom, kitchen, and recreational areas to accommodate 120 children from ages 0 to 6.
The quality of the materials used in the construction caught the attention of the businessman Gilberto Cavalcante Costa, 72. "I don't know of any other place that has used a wall that prevents the spread of fire in a school building. In the future, this will serve as inspiration for other neighborhoods to copy," he says. The construction follows the Steel Frame method, using a treated galvanized steel structure (to prevent oxidation, for example), along with thermoacoustic walls and roofing to aid in temperature and sound control.
The residents then visited the UBS, whose structural foundation is already completed, before proceeding to the community entrance to observe the progress of road improvements, including new sidewalks and pedestrian walkways.
"We never thought that the neighborhood would receive such an impressive structure. I believe that, once everything is done, the community might become a tourist attraction," commented lawyer Jorge Lamenha, who has lived in Flexais for 36 years.