See Braskem's statement sent to the blog of Journalist Ricardo Mota
Maceió, March 28, 2019 - This Wednesday (27), Braskem sent a statement to the blog of journalist Ricardo Mota, on the website TNH1, clarifying some information. Check out below the full note, posted with the title "In note to the blog, Braskem says that 'it will be part of the solution' in Pinheiro":
Dear Ricardo,
In recognition to your professional commitment towards the truth and information, knowing you are always guided by an ethical and balanced attitude, we understand there is need to clarify some points regarding the text published on your blog this Wednesday (3/27), related to Braskem.
The text starts with the statement that "it is no longer possible to wait for the definitive and conclusive 'final report' about what happened and what may still happen". From the point of view of the immediate actions for mitigation of security risks for the people and community, the statement could not be more true. Braskem has been entirely at the disposal of the competent public bodies to help in the implementation of a set of emergency measures to be executed in the district, and these measures have already been presented to the public authorities, including actions such as a project and the installation of a temporary surface drainage system to mitigate the impacts of the rainy season in the district of Pinheiro; inspection of the existing drainage system by means of a robot, installation of rainfall sensors, among other measures.
All the efforts by Braskem and the involved authorities, in a first moment, have the objective of implementing emergency measures and concluding the studies that will indicate the causes of the events in the district and, subsequently, implement the possible solutions. Definition about the responsibilities and eventual guilty parties, although actually relevant, must be addressed after the results of the technical studies.
Braskem has been present and active in the discussions about the situation since the beginning, always collaborating and answering the requests of the involved bodies. Therefore, no suspicion can be raised that Braskem wants to or will evade any responsibilities.
Another point to be highlighted is that the investigation of the occurrences in the district of Pinheiro have no relation with the sale of Braskem. This matter is conducted by the shareholders following the standard process established for negotiations of this magnitude.
Finally, we emphasize that we continue to monitor the progress of the studies and to collaborate with the bodies and public authorities, reinforcing our commitment to the society of Alagoas and to a responsible corporate operation, reaffirming that we will be part of the solution.