Traders Celebrate Sales at the Flexal Entrepreneurs Fair

  • This initiative was organized by a committee of local entrepreneurs composed of community residents
  • "Forró de pé de serra" and "coco de roda Reviver" were some of the cultural attractions

Maceió-AL, June 11, 2024 - Local traders celebrate sales during the Flexal Entrepreneurs' Fair. "Sales exceeded expectations," said Josirlene Maria do Nascimento, a resident in Flexais for over 15 years. The event, organized by a committee of local entrepreneurs composed of community residents, brought together 17 traders and 10 service providers last Saturday, June 8th, serving as an opportunity for participants in workshops held throughout the week, including the vase hand-painting session that Josirlene attended.

A commission of entrepreneurs made up of local residents brought the fair to life and received support from the Urban Integration and Development of Flexais Project. Municipal services such as blood pressure and glucose measurement, as well as vaccinations, were also available at the event.

"We want more painting classes and more fairs. I loved it. Even the calendar holder that I brought for decoration was sold. The client thought it was cool and took it. It was wonderful," celebrated Josirlene, who also makes handmade rugs and runners. Alexsandra Francilina Machado da Silva, 23, was excited about selling the macramé bags she learned about in the workshops. "I used my wits to sell all six macramé bags easily, and I'm still going to take two more orders. It was the first time I participated in an event like this. I loved the experience," she said.

Professional artisan and manicurist Mayara Daniella de Oliveira Santos, 31, set up a stand with hand-made embroidery. She said, "The sales were amazing. Today was a very rewarding day. I needed it because my merchandise had been held up for quite some time. I am really happy. I hope that other fairs will come, along with more opportunities to do business."

Beauty Care and Cultural Attractions

Those who attended the fair also had the opportunity to undergo beauty treatments. Eyebrow designer Layz Pontual, 37, a lifelong resident of Flexal, mentioned that the locals took the opportunity to get ready for Valentine's Day. She said, "Our female residents have left the place looking even prettier, all with their eyebrows done. It was a wonderful fair. I feel so glad and fulfilled."

In the afternoon, residents had fun with "forró pé de serra," a local type of folk music, and a presentation of the traditional "coco de roda Reviver." "This is a very important fair, not only for me but for everyone living in the neighborhood. You see people enjoying local food and music. It's a great event for the neighborhood," says 31-year-old Renato Inocêncio de Santos, who sold crepe at the fair.

The Flexal Entrepreneurs' Fair is an initiative of the "Economy and Work," one of the five topics that guide the 23 measures of the Urban Integration and Development of Flexais Project . Other topics addressed include: "Education, sport, leisure, and environment," "Health and social assistance," "Management, community service, and security," and "Mobility."

Entrepreneurs sold their products in their stands, including accessories, clothing, and perfumery

The fair's programming included cultural attractions

Event offered entertainment for children




Jessica Frank
Phone: +49 151 55201429