Braskem allocates BRL 15 million for the fight against hunger and distributes 48,000 food baskets in Brazil
Donations include 25,000 cleaning kits and 3 tons of fruits and vegetables
Braskem will distribute more than 48,000 food baskets, more than 25,000 cleaning kits and three tons of fruit and vegetables in communities near its plants that were directly affected by the social crisis caused by the Covid-19 pandemic. Altogether, the company will allocate BRL 15 million for initiatives and partnerships in several states in Brazil.
"It is an important time of solidarity and of uniting efforts to help those who most need our support throughout Brazil. Braskem wants to help reduce a little the impact caused by the pandemic and we will help those who need most," says Roberto Simões, Braskem CEO.
Communities near Braskem plants in the ABC, Rio de Janeiro, Rio Grande do Sul, Bahia and in Alagoas will receive food baskets, cleaning kits and fruit and vegetables for two months.
Braskem has also launched an internal volunteering campaign whereby, for each basket donated by someone with the company, it will donate another three food baskets. In addition, the company is setting up partnerships with some institutions and NGOs. One of the outstanding partnerships is with Mãos Verdes, through the Ser+ program to support 40 recycling cooperatives in São Paulo, Alagoas, Bahia and Rio Grande do Sul. Families of waste collectors will receive about 2,400 food baskets.
In Amazonas, Braskem has joined other companies in the SOS Manaus campaign to buy and deliver oxygen cylinders.
In 2020, Braskem donated about BRL 8 million in Brazil and has joined partnerships in the plastics and chemicals chain to donate essential materials to the network of public hospitals in the fight against the new coronavirus. The company has donated thermoplastic resin for the production of more than 35 million face masks, more than 810,000 aprons and two million face shields. It has also donated material to make packaging for 1.2 million liters of liquid alcohol as well as gel sanitizers, besides 18,000 boxes of hypochlorite for diluting or used as bleach and more than 150,000 plastic bags for healthcare waste.
The company also helped in setting up a covid-19 screening center in Maceió and donated about 90 tons of gas for campaign hospitals in São Paulo.
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