Road improvement works in the Chã da Jaqueira System

Maceió, June 12, 2024 - Consisting of key alternate routes linking the upper and lower parts of Maceió, the Chã da Jaqueira System underwent enhancements to improve urban mobility. Streets and avenues in two neighborhoods underwent renovation and received new signage.
The improvements to the Chã da Jaqueira System encompassed 8 km of streets and avenues in the Chã da Jaqueira and Chã de Bebedouro neighborhoods. The work was executed by specialized companies contracted by Braskem and divided into three stages. The first interventions took place in the section connecting Avenida Denilma Bulhões to Rua Marquês de Abrantes, followed by adjustments to the route between Rua Prof. Joatas Malta de Alencar to Rua Marquês de Abrantes and, finally, the connection between Ladeira Santa Amélia and Rua Jorge Montenegro Barros.
In total, 12 roads received new paving, restoration and new horizontal and vertical signage. See the list below:
- Avenida Denilma Bulhões
- Avenida Empresarial Lobo Ferreira
- Avenida Galba Novaes de Castro
- Avenida Jorge Montenegro de Barros
- Rua Marquês de Abrantes
- Rua Prefeito Joatas Malta de Alencar
- Rua Antônio Claudino
- Via Principal Dois
- Rua Projetada
- Rua Dr. Osvaldo Cruz
- Alameda José Lopes de Albuquerque
- Ladeira Professor Benedito Silva.
Mobility Package
The implementation of measures to improve urban mobility is included in the Socio-Environmental Agreement Term signed in December 2020 by the Federal Public Ministry (MPF) and Braskem, with the participation of the State Public Ministry (MPE) and the adhesion of the Municipality of Maceió.
The works are planned by the Municipality and executed by specialized companies contracted by Braskem. The interventions are supervised by the public authorities and are expected to last about three and a half years. The budget is BRL 360 million - adjusted annually.
The projects foresee the construction, expansion, or recovery of 33.4 kilometers of roads, the implementation of almost 37 kilometers of accessible sidewalks and bike lanes, the requalification of public walkways and parking lots, new lighting and electrical networks, stormwater drainage, and an intelligent traffic light system already in operation.
Commitments with Maceió
Since 2019, the company has been implementing a series of initiatives and programs, in accordance with agreements signed with authorities, aimed at addressing, mitigating, and compensating for the impacts of soil subsidence.
To facilitate understanding and monitoring of these and other initiatives and programs, the company has consolidated its efforts into ten commitments spanning social, urban, and environmental domains on a single online platform ( ).
These urban mobility improvement initiatives are part of Braskem's commitment number eight with Maceió - compensation and requalification of social spaces in affected areas and urban mobility.